Pilgrimage 2024

To apply please fill in the form.


Name as in Passport: Surname:

Other names

Proposed Country of Visit:

Proposed Month of Travel

Postal Address

Permanent House Address

Are you physically fit to travel

Date of Birth

Place of Birth


Date of Issue

Expiry Date

Passport No

Place Of Issue



Who is paying for the trip:

Nationality (Current)

List of Countries already Visited

List of Countries that refused you Visa

Name of Business/Office

Tel No of Business/Office

Location of Business/Office

Person in employable service

Personal Tel. No

Email address (Personal)

Marital Status

Name of Husband/Wife (if any)

Tel no of Husband/wife

Name of Church & Location

Name of Father

Name of Father

Name of Mother

Accommodation Type

Name of preferred roommate (if any)

Will You handle the visa yourself

If no, do you want us to give you a roommate

If no, do you want us to assist you in handling

Travelling with a group differs from travelling on your own, are you aware?

This is International Program. All stakeholders (Team Players) have their own terms and conditions, will you be able to abide by them?

We shall be travelling as a group, will you be able to obey instructions and directions?

Have you been deported from the destination or transit country before?

Do you have any criminal records with the Police or any Embassy?

By filling the form means you want to be factored in the entire program

It is commpulsory to return to your home country after the event.

Read the information below